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The Forest District Bytnica is located within the Lubuskie Province, in the Krosno District (Poviat). It belongs to Regional Directorate of the State Forests (RDLP) in Zielona Góra. With its range, the Forest District covers the area of the following communes: Bytnica, Krosno Odrzańskie, Skąpe, Łagów and Czerwieńsk. The overall area of the Forest District equals 19.128 ha, including forest grounds 17.844 ha.

The area of the Forest District belongs to the less  populated, deprived of the highly urbanised lands in Poland . the forestation equals 70 % and distinguishes as the highest in Lubuskie Province. Within the range of the Forest District, there are many picturesquely located lakes, among others: Gibiel, Gryżyńskie, Niemka Mała, Grabinek, Dziarg. Within the area of the Forest District, there is also  the Gryżyna Landscape Park, which is very interesting place in respect of  faunal and floral aspects.

The Forest District is located in a lowland area, with predominating plains. Wavy ground covers small area in the eastern and southern part of the Forest District. The most diversified relief occurs within the borders of "Gryżyna gully" close to the Gryżyna village within the Forest Rangers Areas Augustynka.